- BY Shraddha Dalvi
- POSTED IN Uncategorized

Unhappy with their arguments
Children of divorce go through a process of seeing a relationship they believed and trusted in fall apart. In parental conflicts children are the silent sufferer. Parental Conflicts has always affected children of all age emotionally or psychologically. Parents undergoing divorce process tend to discuss their case with child by bad mouthing or criticizing other parent or by blame games affecting child emotionally and psychologically. Children of divorce are significantly more likely to have externalizing problems such as conduct disorder and antisocial behaviors, relationship problems, academic problems, and internalizing problems like depression, anxiety, low self-esteem. In court process parents always fight for their rights having custody forgetting that it is the right of the child to get both parents love and affection. A child is entitled to have both parents love, affection and support. Even Court considers which is in the best interest of the child. In legal battle both parents should show mutual child support. In upbringing of children the parents always compliment eachother but they can never be substitute to eachother.
By Adv. ShraddhaDalvi.
(Family Court Lawyer)